Emotionally Intelligent Culture

There is no way around it, emotions – both positive and negative – are part of the human experience and they do not disappear when we walk through the workplace door. In fact, sometimes the workplace stirs up emotions because of the drama and lack of peace and then people are expected to stifle their feelings. People may attempt to hide their emotions, especially those deemed as negative, and may even succeed for a while. Emotions, however, can reveal themselves in unproductive ways when expression is discouraged.

An emotionally intelligent culture welcomes emotions, all emotions, in such businesses people understand how to use their emotions effectively. Rather than disruptive emotional reactions, such as yelling, verbal attacks, inappropriate laughter, or hysterical crying, people integrate their thoughts with their emotions and manage to express themselves productively, which enhances their relationships and culture.

Emotionally intelligent people also know how to respond to others’ emotions appropriately – so when an irate customer is on the line, for instance, they respond with care, compassion, and concern rather than reciprocating the hostility. It is not always easy to demonstrate emotional intelligence but the dividends in doing so are enormous, not only for the bottom line but for the well-being of all involved.


Six Indicators of an Emotionally Intelligent Culture:

  1. No Drama. People feel comfortable and confident talking about what they feel and do so productively.
  2. People are authentic, transparent, supportive, and collaborative.
  3. People are able to put themselves in others situations and work together to overcome challenges.
  4. People respond rather than react, they take time to integrate their thoughts with their emotions and do not lash out – even when others lash out at them.
  5. People thrive in emotionally intelligent cultures and happiness is byproduct.
  6. People want to work in drama-free, trusting, empathetic, responsive, happy environments.


Take some time to assess your culture, here are some questions to consider:

  • How do these indicators show up in my business?
  • What are our emotional intelligence strengths/weaknesses?
  • What can I do to increase emotional intelligence?
  • How do I contribute to our culture?


If you would like assistance in strengthening the EI in our business culture, contact us for EI training and coaching.